Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular questions

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What is Deupload?

Deupload is a secure IPFS file storage and collaboration platform for modern teams, small businesses on decentralized networks.

What is payment method accept?

We accept payments via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. You can also make payments through bank transfer or check transfer.

Can I buy additional storage?

You can select the number of units you need for the required storage add-on. For example, if you need 50 GB, you can choose the 10 GB add-on.

What is a Deupload for teams user?

A user is any person on your team with their own unique email address. Each team member should have his or her own user license.

How much space does my team get?

Deupload provides three plans to fit your team’s needs. The Standard plan gives your team 5,000 GB of shared storage. For teams needing more space.

Do you have discounts for nonprofits?

Yes! Please contact our sales team for more information. To provide the discount, a sales rep will need a copy of your 501(c)3.

My account

Files and folder

Team collaboration

Billing and payment

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Knowledge base

Keep everything that’s important to you and your family shareable and safe in one place.

Support Desk

Work efficiently with teammates and clients, stay in sync on projects and keep company data safe.